Zeughauskino Berlin

things which have passed, but still have impact
“Lewis’s interest in the disused and abandoned stretches across buildings and places that recur in his work but his use of rear projection resonates more directly with Walter Benjamin’s idea that new life may be found in seemingly outdated objects.” (Laura Mulvey)
Taking as a starting point Louis Lumière’s phrase, “The cinema is an invention without a future”, Mark Lewis will discuss and present films that address the question of how film can depict everyday life with reference in particular to his use of classical film techniques and processes. “And how film is both exceptional and not at the same time. How its promise is the promise of modernity and as such it shares the latter's failure; how when it was ‘invented’, film failed to be properly modern because it was outside the experimentation and iconoclasm of the avant-garde; […] how its modernity was finally achieved by other means.” (Mark Lewis)

Mark Lewis
Mark Lewis lives and works in London, England, where he is Professor of Fine Art at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design and the co-director of Afterall Journal and Afterall Books. His films have been exhibited at museums and galleries worldwide and in 2009 he represented Canada at the Venice Biennial. His works are in the collection of numerous museums including MOMA (New York), Pompidou (Paris) and The National Gallery of Canada. He is currently working on a feature film about the beginning of cinema and in 2014 he will have a solo exhibition and project at the Louvre in Paris.